Friday, October 1, 2010

lets reach higher =)

well, it's not really about the title of the blog but this post is inspired by the title of the blog itself..

"i wanted to stop!" the monologue begins--a war within footsteps were getting slower as the road was getting steeper.i was out of breath, and my feet felt heavy as if it was chained with a hundred pounds of steel ball. giving up, maybe--it still a war within me.
Hard?well..yes,it was!
upon reaching the top of Bukit Besar, i just think of the time when it would end,when will i reach my destination.running--hoping that i would reach the top faster.there was this sign,saying 'sit', written on the road..funny,but that was what i wanted. the heavy feet begging to rest,the heart was pounding rapidly--please stop,put this to an end.. 
how can i get what i was aiming for if i give up so early?
"keep reaching higher"--yes!

just then i realized,it's not just about reaching the top,it's about the climb is about how much did i put my effort on it.i wanted to stop& just end it there but no,i won't. lets reach higher--i told myself.the result?

i finally reached the top.we-tesl 3 all did..yay!~ ^-^ (good moment~)
moral: dont give up easily.failure doesnt mean it is an can reach higher, as the end is actually the beginning..
this is just an advice from me to me.hope u can get something from it too..*random =D

Thursday, September 23, 2010

the born of a new blog...--its first babystep (^_^)

ok,this is may not (i repeat, MAY not) going to be as interesting or great or excellent or -any brilliant flattering adjective that your brain could possibly think of- as any of the other numerous long-born blogs out there but im trying to make it a good one.just like what it is titled,it will keep reaching higher, insyaAllah.
well,the honest truth of the most possible frankly that it could be,
  • im not very much of a blogger. 
  • im not very much into this blogging thing.
  • i do not know what to post!
then,why in the world did i produce one???
there will only be one -& one only- answer for the close-ended (i assume it is close-ended) question above. it is because--
the nice Mr.Kulan forces oops,typo asks us (TESL 3) to make one--it is for the sake of our own good--to get marks. =D

all credits to Mr.Kulan for the born of this new baby blog.thanks for patiently teaching me&answering my brilliant typo again..=p "what-are-you-asking??" questions.. ;D

"seriously,do you really call this a blog??"